side whiskers

英 美
  • 络腮胡子;n.;络腮胡子
  • side n.边;侧;边缘;侧面;(多边形的)边;(立体的)面;一方;方面;旁边;家族adj.旁的;次要的v.站在…的一边;支持
  • whiskers n.腮须;胡须名词whisker的复数形式.
名词 side-whiskers:
  1. facial hair that has grown down the side of a man's face in front of the ears (especially when the rest of the beard is shaved off)

    1. Denisov, with streaks of grey in his curly hair, moustaches, and whiskers, wearing his general's coat unbuttoned, sat beside Countess Marya.
    2. They are considered as the best choice for short-term and long-term companionship for women.On the contrary, men with no beard or with whiskers are most unappealing to women.